I am looking into creating a list, where I see how many IDs were generated in a given hour. Because I want to display the hours from 8 to 21 in advance independent of the hour of the date, I used generate series and now need to find the equivalent for Snowfake. This is my query:
series as (
SELECT seq4() as Hour
FROM TABLE(GENERATOR(rowcount => 21))
where Hour between 7 and 20
ID_table as (
select extract(hour from date) as "Hour",
count(ID) as "Count"
from ID_table
group by 1)
select (Hour.Hour) + 1 AS "Hour",
from series as Hour
left join ID_table as id on id."Hour" = Hour.Hour
order by Hour.Hour;
For some reason I only get the Hours 8 to 16, however, I want it to display the hours 8-21, what could be the issue?
You should always consider that SEQ() functions do not guarantee gaps, so for generating the range, I suggest you to use ROW_NUMBER() function:
Anyway, when I test it, I see it returns expected numbers:
SELECT seq4() as Hour FROM TABLE(GENERATOR(rowcount => 21));
-- returnns numbers from 0 to 20
SELECT seq4() as Hour FROM TABLE(GENERATOR(rowcount => 21)) where Hour between 7 and 20 order by hour;
-- returnns numbers from 7 to 20
with series as (SELECT seq4() as Hour FROM TABLE(GENERATOR(rowcount => 21)) where Hour between 7 and 20 ORDER BY Hour)
select (Hour.Hour) + 1 AS "Hour"
from series as Hour;
-- returnns numbers from 8 to 21
Could it be something with the browser/UI?