
SIMPLE godoc Hello world

Trying to serve a godoc on a simple, flat code folder. The online docs do not explain how to achieve this SIMPLE task.

So, creating this simple structure,

/tmp/testgodoc$ tree
└── src
    ├── main  (just the binary)
    └── main.go

1 directory, 2 files

where main.go is simply

/tmp/testgodoc$ cat src/main.go
// Hello godoc
package main

import "fmt"

// Say Hello
func main() {

When running either in GOPATH or module modes, opening localhost:6060 in a browser does not give the expected result of documenting current folder.

Running in module mode give this output and result:

/tmp/testgodoc$ ~/go/bin/godoc  -goroot=. -http=:6060
using module mode; GOMOD=/dev/null
(when Ctrl-C:) cannot find package "." in:

module mode result

And running in GOPATH mode seems to point to the local standard library:

/tmp/testgodoc$ GO111MODULE=off ~/go/bin/godoc  -goroot=. -http=:6060
using GOPATH mode

GOPATH mode result


  • You should put your main package into a subdirectory, maybe like this:

    ~/go/src/testGoDoc$ tree
    ├── cmd
    │   └── main.go
    ├── go.mod
    └── pkg
        └── test1
            └── test_package.go

    and by this you can run both commands:

    godoc -http=:6060 #http://localhost:6060/pkg/<module name inside go.mod>/


    GO111MODULE=off godoc -http=:6060 #http://localhost:6060/pkg/testGoDoc/