
Why ripgrep results from python subprocess run differ from rg run in the shell

If I run rg in bash directly, the output information includes the found file names (on a separate line), and then on a separate line for each match the line number and content for that match:

11:38 (main *+) durl $ rg format
35:            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line))
38:            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line, linenumber=n))

15:def format_output(prefix, filename: str, linenumber: str=None) -> str:

But if I run the same command from python subprocess run, the displayed information of the matched results includes the filename on each line and do not include a line number. Why is that so? (I am running on MacOS)

11:38 (main *+) durl $ ipython
Python 3.9.5 (default, May  4 2021, 03:36:27)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.27.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: import subprocess

In [2]: p ='rg format', text=True, shell=True, capture_output=True,)

In [3]: p.stdout
Out[3]: 'durl/            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line))\ndurl/            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line, linenumber=n))\ndurl/ format_output(prefix, filename: str, linenumber: str=None) -> str:\n'

In [4]: p.stdout.split('\n')
['durl/            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line))',
 'durl/            print(util.format_output(repo.url, line, linenumber=n))',
 'durl/ format_output(prefix, filename: str, linenumber: str=None) -> str:',


  • Because ripgrep detects if an interactive tty exists on stdout, and if so, changes the output format to be more "friendly." It's the same thing that ls does for example.