
How to secure access token beyond XSS and CSRF

I understand the XSS vulnerability of using web storage and the CSRF vulnerability of using cookies. So I store the access token in memory and for persistence I have a refresh token in a cookie which I use to silently refresh my access token when we lose it. I feel somewhat better about XSS and CSRF threats... BUT how do we secure the token from a packet sniffer? A packet sniffer would find the token in the request. I see a lot of discussion on XSS and CSRF but how do we keep safe from packet sniffers, and are there even more threats we do not commonly think about?


  • You use HTTPS to defend against packet sniffers.

    Fiddler as a proxy will not be able to decrypt HTTPS traffic in the cloud unless the fiddlers built in root certificate is added to the browser or client making the request.

    Fiddler is able to decrypt HTTPS because you have added Fiddlers root certificate to your trusted store in YOUR computer. without this a proper HTTPS connections can't be made.

    So , don't worry about Fidler in the cloud.