
Is it possible to negate a scope in Rails?

I have the following scope for my class called Collection:

scope :with_missing_coins, joins(:coins).where("coins.is_missing = ?", true)

I can run Collection.with_missing_coins.count and get a result back -- it works great! Currently, if I want to get collections without missing coins, I add another scope:

scope :without_missing_coins, joins(:coins).where("coins.is_missing = ?", false)

I find myself writing a lot of these "opposite" scopes. Is it possible to get the opposite of a scope without sacrificing readability or resorting to a lambda/method (that takes true or false as a parameter)?

Something like this:



  • I wouldn't use a single scope for this, but two:

    scope :with_missing_coins, joins(:coins).where("coins.is_missing = ?", true)
    scope :without_missing_coins, joins(:coins).where("coins.is_missing = ?", false)

    That way, when these scopes are used then it's explicit what's happening. With what numbers1311407 suggests, it is not immediately clear what the false argument to with_missing_coins is doing.

    We should try to write code as clear as possible and if that means being less of a zealot about DRY once in while then so be it.