What steps do I need to take to implement user login?
I am using PUR & REST modules. I was able to successfully login using REST endpoint using MgnlContext.login, but if I try to access another endpoint I get 401.
What I have so far:
CredentialsCallbackHandler handler = new PlainTextCallbackHandler(username, password.toCharArray(), "public");
SecuritySupport securitySupport = Components.getComponent( SecuritySupport.class );
LoginResult result = securitySupport.authenticate(handler, SecuritySupportBase.DEFAULT_JAAS_LOGIN_CHAIN);
I think I need to get session cookie (that's configured in web.xml) to send with any subsequent request, but where do I get it in the endpoint? And do I need to preserve it myself? Or is it something else entirely?
Both Magnolia and frontend run on localhost, but on different ports.
Magnolia was sending the cookie all the time (as Set-Cookie header), it just never got saved. I had to process it manually for my FE to set the cookie and send it back in every subsequent request.