Can You Change Buttons color onfocused like yout do in TextField In Nativescript/Angular.. It works in TextField but not in BUTTON Does someone knows some other solution, im trying to build a tvapp i need to change the color when is focused in Button or Label
<Page loaded="onPageLoaded($event)">
<Button text="My Button 2" class="my_button_2" > </Button>
<TextField class="input-field"> </TextField>
border-color: red;
border: 2;
border-width: 2;
border-color: red;
border: 2;
border-width: 2;
.input-field:focus {
border-bottom-color: red;
Here is the solution in Android onloaded event
<Button #myButton1 text="My Button 1" (tap)="OnTapButton_1($event)" (loaded)="onButtonLoaded_1($event)" class="button_style"></Button>
public onButtonLoaded_1(args) {
let btn = args.object as Button;
let androidButton =;
androidButton.setOnFocusChangeListener(new android.view.View.OnFocusChangeListener({
onFocusChange:(view, hasFocus) => {
if(hasFocus === true){
else {
.button_style {
android-elevation: 0;
android-dynamic-elevation-offset: 0;
background: rgba(190, 138, 17, 0.315);
border-width: 0.3;
border-color: rgba(190, 138, 17, 0.671);
android-elevation: 0;
android-dynamic-elevation-offset: 0;
background: rgba(190, 138, 17, 0.856);
border-width: 0.3;
border-color: rgba(116, 84, 11, 0.856);