
Date not showing in citations natbib

I'm using nat bib for beamer and my citations are all showing up with n.d., despite the citations having a date in the bib file.


    \frametitle{Example citation}
    This is an example text with a citation from \citep{burzio1988ItalianSyntaxGovernmentBindingApproach} (← which is without date here and in the bibliography)


Here's the citation information in the bib file (which is in the same working folder):

  title = {Italian {{Syntax}}: {{A Government-Binding Approach}}},
  shorttitle = {Italian {{Syntax}}},
  author = {Burzio, Luigi},
  date = {1988-03},
  journaltitle = {Language},
  shortjournal = {Language},
  volume = {64},
  number = {1},
  eprint = {414791},
  eprinttype = {jstor},
  pages = {130},
  issn = {00978507},
  doi = {10.2307/414791}

This happens with all citations styles on natbib. I don't know what's happening. I'll appreciate the help.


  • For bibtex, use the old year and month fields instead of date:

      title = {Italian {{Syntax}}: {{A Government-Binding Approach}}},
      shorttitle = {Italian {{Syntax}}},
      author = {Burzio, Luigi},
      year = 1988,
      month = 3,
      journaltitle = {Language},
      shortjournal = {Language},
      volume = {64},
      number = {1},
      eprint = {414791},
      eprinttype = {jstor},
      pages = {130},
      issn = {00978507},
      doi = {10.2307/414791}
        \frametitle{Example citation}
        This is an example text with a citation from \citep{burzio1988ItalianSyntaxGovernmentBindingApproach} (← which is without date here and in the bibliography)

    enter image description here

    If you prefer to use the date field, switch from bibtex to biblatex. Biblatex not only supports the superior date field, but is also much more flexible and easier to customise.