I'm working on a price data project, trying to store OHLC 1 minute data and then sampling it over various intervals. I decided to try QuestDB for its neat time-series features such as SAMPLE BY
but am running into a wall.
I want to use SAMPLE BY
to query my data, which looks like this:
timestamp | open | high | low | close |
"2021-09-10T19:43:21.657672Z" | 2.0 | 4.0 | 1.0 | 3.0 |
"2021-09-15T06:12:42.267416Z" | 3.0 | 6.0 | 3.0 | 6.0 |
For example, for the two rows above, which are in the same month, I would like to run SAMPLE BY 1M
and aggregate the values for the month.
For high and low values the aggregate functions are min(low)
and max(high)
, but I can't figure out what to do for open and close values.
I tried retrofitting this approach but got as far as the following without errors:
with ohlc as (
select row_number() over (
partition by cast(cast(timestamp as float) / 1000000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 7 / 4.34524 as int)
order by timestamp
), open, high, low, close, timestamp
from eurusd
select max(high) high,
min(low) low,
min(case when rn_asc = 1 then [open] end) as open
from ohlc
Some errors I encountered:
row_number() over [...] order by timestamp desc
fails with a syntax error. If I remove the desc
it works, so I just removed that column altogether since then it's the same as the first.SAMPLE BY
at the end works with "base query does not provide dedicated TIMESTAMP column" and "group by expression does not match anything select in statement" errors, respectively.CASE WHEN THEN
but if I yield a column name in the THEN
portion it doesn't work with no error message.I'm currently stuck at this point having looked across the QuestDB tutorials, SO questions, and GitHub issues for a mention of this because it seems like a common operation, especially since they have written many price time-series data tutorials, but none address this.
I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this and has a solution? Thank you!
It will be first()
and last()
to get open and close.
select max(high) high,
min(low) low,
first(open) as open,
last(close) as close
from ohlc