I am trying to call parent and child element of a model, I have gone through the MPTT model documentation. I did as mentioned on the documentation, but my template is failing to print children
What can be the possible cause of this problem?
Here is my Views:
def category_view(request):
category = Categories.objects.all()
brands = Brands.objects.all()
context ={
return render(request,'./ecommerce/categories.html', context)
and Here is my template HTML:
{% load mptt_tags %}
{% recursetree category%}
<div class="category-wrap mb-4">
<div class="category category-group-image br-sm">
<div class="category-content">
<h4 class="category-name"><a href="">{{ node.name }}</a>
<ul class="category-list">
{% if not node.is_leaf_node %}
<li><a href="">{{children}}</a></li>
{% endif %}
<!-- End of Category Wrap -->
{% endrecursetree %}
Parent element is printed but children element is not being printed
Doing a lot of hit and trial, generic approach solved my problem. Others having similar problem could be benefited from my answer, hence posting the solution.
category = Categories.objects.filter(parent=None)
{% for category in categories %}
<div class="category-wrap mb-4">
<div class="category category-group-image br-sm">
<div class="category-content">
<h4 class="category-name"><a href="{% url 'ecommerce:item_by_category' category.slug|slugify %}">{{ category.name }}</a>
<ul class="category-list">
{% for cat in category.get_children %}
<li><a href="/categories/{{ cat.id }}/">{{ cat.name }}</a> </li>
{% endfor %}
<!-- End of Category Wrap -->
{% endfor %}