
Failed to Build and deploy JAR app to Azure Web App

When im trying to build my application to upload my project to azure I have the next errors and debugging it with "mvn -e -X -Pproduction -DskipTests clean package":

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:22.0.0:build-frontend (default) on project cinema: Could not execute build-frontend goal: Error occured during goal execution: Type [unknown] not presentPlease run Maven with the -e switch (or Gradle with the --stacktrace switch), to learn the full stack trace. org/springframework/context/ApplicationEventPublisherAware: org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisherAware -> [Help 1]

Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException: Could not execute build-frontend goal

Caused by: com.vaadin.flow.server.ExecutionFailedException: Error occured during goal execution: Type [unknown] not presentPlease run Maven with the -e switch (or Gradle with the --stacktrace switch), to learn the full stack trace.

Caused by: java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type [unknown] not present

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/context/ApplicationEventPublisherAware
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <!-- Vaadin project from -->
    <name>Project base for Spring Boot and Vaadin Flow</name>



        <!-- The order of definitions matters. Explicitly defining central here to make sure it has the highest priority. -->

        <!-- Main Maven repository -->
        <!-- Repository used by many Vaadin add-ons -->
            <id>Vaadin Directory</id>

        <!-- The order of definitions matters. Explicitly defining central here to make sure it has the highest priority. -->


            <!-- Replace artifactId with vaadin-core to use only free components -->






        <!-- Include JUnit 4 support for TestBench and others -->

        <!-- Configuracion del ORM de spring boot para persistencia -->






        <!-- -->


                <!-- Clean build and startup time for Vaadin apps sometimes may exceed
                     the default Spring Boot's 30sec timeout.  -->

                Take care of synchronizing java dependencies and imports in
                package.json and main.js files.
                It also creates webpack.config.js if not exists yet.

            <!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->


                    <!-- Runs the integration tests (*IT) after the server is started -->


this is how my pom.xml looks like, I think im not missing any dependency or anything, have spent all day trying to figure out what's going on here, thanks.

any idea how could I handle those problems?

Edit: this is the repo if u wanna try by yourself.


  • The problem is two unnecessary annotations in the Application class

    You don't need @EnableJpaRepositories because your package structure is hierarchical correct. Plus this annotation without defining packages does not make sense. Remove it.

    @EnableAutoConfiguration is already on @SpringBootApplication. Remove this.

    Then there are some issues in the pom.xml.

    You shouldn't override the Spring Boot version like here:


    Then you can remove all these dependencies because they already come with the starter dependencies:
