
How to filter a dictionary based on their value character?

I have to filter a dictionary containing my text inside of a textfield.

var arrayData = [["Name":"Sahil"],["Name":"Raman"],["Name":"ashish"],["Name":"Vishnu"],["Name":"Deep"],["Name":"sahil"],["Name":"Swift"]]
//my result should be  like this


  • It was unclear, you explained it later in comments, but you want to keep the values for key "Name" which contains an "s" case insensitive.

    Let's add a couple of additional values to show why your previous attempts failed:

    var arrayData = [["Name":"Sahil"],

    And simplify:

    let searchText = "s" // textField.text ?? ""

    You attempted:

    let filteredArray1 = arrayData.filter { $0["Name"] == searchText }


    $> [["Name": "s"]]

    So, you get only when value is exactly equals to "s", that's normal, you are using ==

    You then attempted:

    let filteredArray2 = arrayData.filter { $0["Name"]!.contains(searchText) }


    $>[["Name": "ashish"], ["Name": "Vishnu"], ["Name": "sahil"], ["Name": "s"]]

    So, you are getting anyvalues when it has a "s" inside it. It's almost that, but you aren't getting when it has an uppercase "S". To do that, you can use range(of:options:searchRange:local:) with .caseInsensitive optiono. If the result isn't nil, it means it has been found.

    So you can use:

    let filteredArray3 = arrayData.filter { $0["Name"]?.range(of: "s", options: .caseInsensitive) != nil }


    $>[["Name": "Sahil"], ["Name": "ashish"], ["Name": "Vishnu"], ["Name": "sahil"], ["Name": "Swift"], ["Name": "s"], ["Name": "S"]]