I am trying to do something similar like below.
public record Sample(Integer id, String name) {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Integer id;
private String name;
However, it gives me error "User declared non-static fields id are not permitted in a record" and same for name field as well.
Is there a way to use new java feature "record" with JPA annotation?
No support currently, but some support coming in 2024-2025.
According to Jakarta EE 11: The Next Major Jakarta EE Update Is Shaping Up by Ivar Grimstad, 2023-08:
See the article, Using Records as Projections in JPA by Billy Korando. The following is a brief summary.
Jakarta Persistence (JPA; formerly Java Persistence API) implementations such as Hibernate depend on features either forbidden or not recommended by the JEP 395: Records spec: no-arg constructors, non-final fields, setters, etc.
➥ So, no, records cannot be used as JPA Entity
You can use records with:
Spring data has some support as well.
See that article linked above for details, and for links to two other articles.