I would like to return table data in human readable format using Cypress
(without Cy wrappers).
Suppose we have such a table:
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
D1 | D3 | D5 |
D2 | D4 | D6 |
This is my code but I don't know how to get the real data:
getTableData() {
return cy.get('#table-modal')
.then(modal => cy.wrap(modal).find('table > tbody > tr'))
.each(row =>
.each(column => cy.wrap(column).invoke('text'))
const expected = [
['D1', 'D3', 'D5'],
['D2', 'D4', 'D6']
getTableData().should('eq', expected); // failing, because function returns wrapped data by Cypress
async function getTableData() {
const table = (await cy.get("table")).get(0);
const data = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll("tr")).map((tr) =>
Array.from(tr.children).map((td) => td.textContent)
return data;
const expected = [
["Col1", "Col2", "Col3"],
["D1", "D3", "D5"],
["D2", "D4", "D6"],
cy.wrap(getTableData()).should("deep.eq", expected);