I've created a Pipeline that's executed by a trigger every time a blob is created, the problem is that are scenarios where the process needs to upload multiple files at the same time, when it happens, the pipeline executes as many times as the number of blobs and it causes that the data is wrong. I tried to cofigure a Copy Data Activity in the main Pipeline in order to copy every blob created, but since this pipeline is inside the first one, it executes many times as well.
What you can do is filter the copy activity source based on the property Filter by last modified
, where you can specify a start time and end time in UTC.
you can try this Incrementally copy new and changed files based on LastModifiedDate by using the Copy Data tool
Here as per your scenario, just mention the Start time.
hours or to be safe in the last day based on how frequent you have the files created in Storage.triggerRunTimestamp
and append to a array variable.If this is feasible, I can spin an example pipeline.