I have a simple stored procedure in an Azure SQL database that takes a single param of type datetime
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DeleteLogRecs]
(@pSinceBefore datetime)
I'd like to call this from an Azure Logic App passing a date value of Now -3 days, so I have the following action:
"Execute_stored_procedure_(V2)": {
"inputs": {
"body": {
"pSinceBefore": "@{convertFromUtc(addDays(utcNow(),-3),'GMT Standard Time')}"
"host": {
"connection": {
"name": "@parameters('$connections')['sqldw']['connectionId']"
My problem is, I get the following error:
"status": 400,
"message": "Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime.\r\nclientRequestId: dbbd2502-899f-4812-a942-4c11bbed4c1b",
"error": {
"message": "Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime."
Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
I've managed to bodge this by changing the type of the stored procedure parameter to a string and using the following formatting from the logic app:
"Execute_stored_procedure_(V2)": {
"inputs": {
"body": {
"pSinceBefore": "@{formatDateTime(addDays(utcNow(),-3),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')}"