
Palantir Workshop - Filter settings

I'm trying to implement a new feature in my workshop application and I get trouble with filters. I would like to have either a default value coming from another object (multiple select table) or event a map widget, but I did not manage to implement it.
The objective is to display a chart related to a selected object,n then allow the user to select other objects to add their details to the first one to be able to compare.

What I tried so far is to define 2 filters :

On top of that, If I manually select my default value, then add values to the second filter, nothing is displayed because the default behavior seems to be a king of AND rather than an expected OR.

What would you propose to manage this ?
Is there a way to pass a default value to a common filter (and how)? Or is there a possibility to implement a OR between filters, rather than AND, and make the second filter returning nothing if no values are selected?


  • Object Set definition panel combination options