
Where can I find a sample logconfig.json for EventStore?

EventStore has moved its logging config to a file called logconfig.json, but I can't find a sample of what this file should look like, so I'm forced to have no file at all, and use EventStore's default logging config.

I've googled all over. Where can I find a sample of logconfig.json ?


  • You can find one in the EventStoreDB repository.

    It is a normal appconfig.json-style file that only contains the ASP.NET Core logging configuration settings.

    Here's the default config:

        "Logging": {
            "LogLevel": {
                "Default": "Debug",
                "System": "Warning",
                "Microsoft": "Warning",
                "Grpc": "Fatal"

    You can also see here that if the Serilog section is found in the file, it will be used to configure Serilog, instead of using the hard-coded configuration. The section format should be following the documentation of the Serilog appsetting configuration provider.