
How can I download a file from OneDrive into Angular application using Typescript?

I have an Angular application that is using OneDrive/Sharepoint to store files it has created. Authentication is working correctly and I can save my files successfully. I am having a problem with downloading the file that I created and stored using the Angular HttpClient.

My code looks like this:

export class MicrosoftService {

   private graphUri = '';

   constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

   public loadFile(id: string, next: (saved: string) => void): void {
        this.http.get(this.graphUri + '/me/drive/items/' + id + '/content', { headers: this.getOAuthHeader() })
             .subscribe((response: any) => {

    getOAuthHeader(): HttpHeaders {
       // a bunch of stuff that generates the OAuth headers, definitely works


Obviously I'll do something else with the response when I can receive it.

The problem is that when the GET request is triggered it correctly makes a request to graph, which then returns a 302 redirect to - this is also correct and I can download the content from a REST client, but in the browser (currently using Safari) the redirect raises a Browser cannot load [...url...] due to access control checks error.

I have Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * in my application headers, which is presumably why I can use Graph in the first place, but the Sharepoint response does not include Access-Control-Allow-Origin. What more do I need to do?


  • Problem

    You write that endpoint doesn't responds with any Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

    When you send, from origin A, a CORS request to some endpoint on origin B ( and the response allows origin A but results in a cross-origin redirect to some endpoint on origin C (, the browser carries out a new CORS access-control check for origin A on origin C. If origin C isn't configured for CORS or doesn't allow origin A, your overall CORS request will fail.

    Possible solution

    One solution consists in making the call to from your backend rather than from your frontend; that way, because CORS doesn't apply to non-browser user agents, you'd sidestep the problem.