I have a table where email is a unique key, the point is... when the user get deleted in the manage form, I do an update, inserting "1" in a column called "deleted", doing this I keep the data and the history of that user... But if I have to add a new user with the same email, Bang MySQL catches me
So.. my question is, the best practice is?
Thanks for your time
You could reverse the logic and instead of storing a nullable deletion mark, store an active mark. Use a check constraint (in MySQL 8+) or a trigger (in lower MySQL versions which don't enforce check constraints) to restrict the possible values of the active mark to one (non-NULL
) value (and NULL
). Then put the unique constraint on the e-mail address and the active mark combined. That way you can have multiple rows with the same e-mail address and a NULL
active mark but maximally one with that address and a non-NULL
active mark.
(id integer,
email varchar(256),
active tinyint,
CHECK (active = 1),
UNIQUE (email,
But as a non technical side note, check, if you're legally allowed to keep the history of a user when they delete their account according to the data protection laws applying to you. They may have the right to expect that everything is deleted when they delete their account.
And you could also consider, no to create a new account, if a user comes back, but instead offer them to reactivate their old account.