I am trying to migrate my code from older version of opensaml to version 4.0.1
AuthnContextClassRef authnCtxClassRef = null;
final AuthnContext authnCtx = existing20authnStatement.getAuthnContext();
if (authnCtx != null) {
authnCtxClassRef = authnCtx.getAuthnContextClassRef();
if (authnCtxClassRef != null) {
authnCtxClassRefName = authnCtxClassRef.getAuthnContextClassRef();
if (authnCtxClassRefName != null) {
authNStmt.setSubject(makeSubject(subjectName, nameId));
I can see, from the source code that the class is defined at org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AuthnContextClassRef
But when I try to import it, it says
AuthnContextClassRef cannot be resolved to a type
Same goes for the class ConfirmationMethod where the code written is as follows:
final ConfirmationMethod confirmationMethod = buildObj(ConfirmationMethodBuilder.class,ConfirmationMethod.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_NAME);
I would guess you have some dependency missing in your POM. I have a working PoC for OpenSAML 4 here. Im using the following dependecies and AuthnContextClassRef works fine.
I tried with 4.0.1 and it also works