
Bulk upload data to cloudant or any efficient way of uploading data to cloudant using python?

I have been using the below script for uploading the data to do load testing of my module:

import json
import ast
import pandas as pd
import sys
import cloudant_connection as cloud

df = pd.read_csv("./deviceId_data/device_starts_"+ sys.argv[1] + ".csv")
print(" checkpoint 1 cleared ")
def push_data_to_cloudant(ID,Key,Value,Database):
    Value = ast.literal_eval(Value)
    temp_doc = {}
    temp_doc["_id"] = ID
    temp_doc["value"] = Value["value"]
    temp_doc["devId"] = Value["devId"]
    temp_doc["eDateTime"] = Key[0]
    temp_doc["eDate"] = Value["eDate"]
    temp_doc["cDateTime"] = Key[0]
    temp_doc["cDate"] = Value["cDate"]
    new_doc = Database.create_document(temp_doc)
    if new_doc.exists():
        #print("doc created")
        return "Success"
        print("Failed in pushing document")
        return "Failure"

with open("./connection_config_source.json") as f:
    connect_conf = json.load(f)
print(" checkpoint 2 cleared ")
API_KEY = connect_conf['cloudant_api_key']
ACC_NAME = connect_conf['cloudant_account_name']
print(" checkpoint 3 cleared ")
    client = cloud.connecting_to_cloudant_via_api(ACC_NAME,API_KEY)

    database_name = 'DB_NAME'
    Database = client[database_name]
    print(" checkpoint 4 cleared ")
    if Database.exists():
    status = [push_data_to_cloudant(ID,Key,Value,Database) for (ID,Key,Value) in zip(df['id'],df['key'],df['value'])]
    print(" last checkpoint cleared ")
except Exception as e:
    print("Failed:" + str(e))

I know that there are faster ways than using list comprehension. But I don't know how to use them in this scenario.

I know df.apply() is faster than this, but I wanted to know if I could use Pandas Vectorization or Numpy Vectorization for this use case.


  • python-cloudant documentation:

    bulk_docs(docs) Performs multiple document inserts and/or updates through a single request. Each document must either be or extend a dict as is the case with Document and DesignDocument objects. A document must contain the _id and _rev fields if the document is meant to be updated.

    Parameters: docs (list) – List of Documents to be created/updated. Returns: Bulk document creation/update status in JSON format

    Just use:

    Database = client['DB_name']

    The argument here can be a list of dictionaries or json objects.