I have a set of data that is generated from an uniform distribution. Now I want to fit the corresponding histogram to an uniform distribution, such that there is a 'ㄇ' shape of line plotted on that histogram. I tried to fit it by using the MATLAB built-in function histfit
, but there is no such an option of uniform distribution for histfit. How can I do it?
data = unifrnd(-100,100,1000,1);
%% MATLAB built-in function: 'histfit'
hh = histfit(data); % No options for 'histfit' to fit data to an uniform distribution
%% Manually fitting a histogram to an uniform distribution
numBars = length(hh(1).XData);
histogram(data, numBars);
% TODO: How to do next to plot a line that fits the data to an uniform distribution?
Since a uniform distribution is just 1/(b-a) for a region [a, b), you can define a function that calculates this
x = -200:200;
y = unifdist(x, -100, 100);
plot(x, y)
function ret = unifdist(x, a, b)
ret = ones(length(x), 1)/(b-a);
ret(x < a | x >= b) = 0;
There's probably a much simpler and faster way to do this, but it works.