what i need to accomplish is to reach a way in which i can convert the basics on any python code into php functions and conditions and so on
def BitmapHoles(strArr):
bitmap = {}
for i in range(len(strArr)):
for j in range(len(strArr[i])):
bitmap[(i,j)] = int(strArr[i][j])
hole_count = 0
hole = set()
checked = set()
flag = True
for i in range(len(strArr)):
for j in range(len(strArr[i])):
stack = [(i,j)]
while stack:
coords = stack.pop()
if coords not in checked:
if bitmap[coords] == 0 and coords not in hole:
if flag == True:
hole_count += 1
flag = False
if coords[0] - 1 >= 0 and (coords[0]-1,coords[1]) not in checked:
if coords[0] + 1 < len(strArr) and (coords[0]+1,coords[1]) not in checked:
if coords[1] - 1 >= 0 and (coords[0],coords[1]-1) not in checked:
if coords[1] + 1 < len(strArr[coords[0]]) and (coords[0],coords[1]+1) not in checked:
flag = True
return hole_count
OpenAI has an AI to convert code from one language to another. I believe it supports PHP and Python. I have used this tool and it converts the code very accuratly. Here's a link to an example OpenAI has on their website: https://beta.openai.com/examples/default-translate-code