I'm using test lab in Firebase and the issue I'm finding is with the results in iOS because it is not showing all the use cases in my integration test.
This is my result in Android I can see all the use cases in TestLab.
In iOS I cannot find my test cases and I only find one use cases that calls my two use cases.
I have checked the logs and the two test cases is executed in iOS, but the problem is with result showed in the TestLab Console. I would like to see all the use cases.
As of https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/95704, Flutter integration_test
will dynamically create a native XCTestCase per dart test. This will match Android's behavior, and you should see 1:1 test results in TestLab, or if you run your tests locally in Xcode from ios/Runner.xcworkspace
The fix will be available in the next stable release.