
Find which model method is triggering the Event

I'm using Laravel's Event & Listener functionality to detect the following model actions and trigger some application logic.


 * The event map for the model.
 * Allows for object-based events for native Eloquent events.
 * @var array
protected $dispatchesEvents = [
    'created'  => MealFoodEvent::class,
    'updated'  => MealFoodEvent::class,
    'deleted'  => MealFoodEvent::class


public $mealFood;

 * Create a new event instance.
 * @param MealFood $mealFood
public function __construct(MealFood $mealFood)
    $this->mealFood = $mealFood;


public function handle(MealFoodEvent $event)
    $mealFood = $event->mealFood;

Is it possible to detect what model action triggered the event? I want to be able to know if the record triggering the event was created/updated/deleted. Right know I'm using soft deletes to check if the record was deleted but how can I know if the record was updated or created?


  • Create 3 additional classes:


    class MealFoodCreatedEvent extends MealFoodEvent {}


    class MealFoodUpdatedEvent extends MealFoodEvent {}


    class MealFoodDeletedEvent extends MealFoodEvent {}

    Modify your model:

    protected $dispatchesEvents = [
        'created'  => MealFoodCreatedEvent::class,
        'updated'  => MealFoodUpdatedEvent::class,
        'deleted'  => MealFoodDeletedEvent::class

    Then in your event handler you can just do:

    public function handle(MealFoodEvent $event)
        $mealFood = $event->mealFood;
        if ($event instanceof MealFoodCreatedEvent) { 
           // the event was "created

    The signature for handle still works because all your events extend MealFoodEvent

    You can also make MealFoodEvent abstract since you will never need to create an instance of it directly.