
How to log raw HTTP request/response in FastAPI?

We are writing a web service using FastAPI that is going to be hosted in Kubernetes. For auditing purposes, we need to save the raw JSON body of the request/response for specific routes. The body size of both request and response JSON is about 1MB, and preferably, this should not impact the response time. How can we do that?


  • You may try to customize APIRouter like in FastAPI official documentation:

    import time
    from typing import Callable
    from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Request, Response
    from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
    class TimedRoute(APIRoute):
        def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
            original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
            async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
                before = time.time()
                response: Response = await original_route_handler(request)
                duration = time.time() - before
                response.headers["X-Response-Time"] = str(duration)
                print(f"route duration: {duration}")
                print(f"route response: {response}")
                print(f"route response headers: {response.headers}")
                return response
            return custom_route_handler
    app = FastAPI()
    router = APIRouter(route_class=TimedRoute)
    async def not_timed():
        return {"message": "Not timed"}
    async def timed():
        return {"message": "It's the time of my life"}