I have created a project that displays the sunrise and sunset by searching the name of the city. I use the open weather API.
However, when I search for a city with different timezone than my country (Greece), it converts the sunrise-sunset times to Greece's local timezone.
For example, I search "Albania"
The sunrise and sunset times in Albania are displayed in Greece's timezone. (Note: Greece is 1 hour ahead of Albania)
Normally, the sunrise-sunset times in Albania are: 7:02 AM and 4:35 PM.
However, it displays 8:02 and 17:35 which are 1 hour ahead of the normal sunrise-sunset times because they are converted to Greece's local timezone.
let weather = {
fetchWeather: function (city) {
"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" +
city +
"&units=metric&lang=en&appid=" +
.then((response) => {
if (!response.ok) {
alert("No weather found.");
throw new Error("No weather found.");
return response.json();
.then((data) => this.displayWeather(data));
//fetching the API parameters:
displayWeather: function (data) {
const { name } = data;
const { sunrise } = data.sys;
const { sunset } = data.sys;
//Displaying the results:
document.querySelector(".city").innerText = "Weather: " + name;
document.querySelector(".sunrise").innerText = "Sunrise: " + window.moment(sunrise * 1000).format('HH:mm a');
document.querySelector(".sunset").innerText = "Sunset: " + window.moment(sunset * 1000).format('HH:mm a');
document.body.style.backgroundImage =
search: function () {
document.querySelector(".search button").addEventListener("click", function () {
.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) {
if (event.key == "Enter") {
//Displaying Athens sunrise sunset on page load
I want it to display the normal sunrise-sunset local time for each city without them displaying in Greece's timezone.
Can anyone help me? I am begginer so I would appreciate if you could elaborate on your answer.
In your API response you will receive a timezone
attribute which is in seconds (positive/negative). You can extract that from there. I converted the UNIX timestamp to UTC and added the timezone
Here is sunrise time for Tirana Albania
let timezone = 3600;
let sunrise = 1642226661;
let x = moment.utc(sunrise,'X').add(timezone,'seconds').format('HH:mm a');
<script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.js"></script>