to try to solve another problem with the Tone.js library and the audio buffer (see here), I created a "default cordova hello world app", and added the "cordova-plugin-file" plugin.
I can't understand why, I can process a remote file and play it, but the same file locally, I can't play it, what am I wrong ?.
I removed all the "Content-Security-Policy" from my index.html ... I changed the permissions in the Config.xml file as follows:
<preference name = "AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value = "Internal" />
<access origin = "cdvfile: //*" />
<access origin = "*" />
<allow-intent href = "cdvfile: //*/*" />
<allow-intent href = "http: //*/*" />
<allow-intent href = "https: //*/*" />
<allow-intent href = "tel: *" />
<allow-intent href = "sms: *" />
<allow-intent href = "mailto: *" />
<allow-intent href = "geo: *" />
Then in the deviceready, if I switch to Tone.js Player, the external url works, with the local url no, where am I wrong?
//Local NO ok!: "cdvfile://localhost/persistent/1_Hat.mp3"
//Remote OK!: ""
function onDeviceReady() {
// Cordova is now initialized. Have fun!
console.log('Running cordova-' + cordova.platformId + '@' + cordova.version);
//Local NO ok!: "cdvfile://localhost/persistent/1_Hat.mp3"
//Remote OK!: ""
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, function (fs) {
console.log('file system open: ' +;
fs.root.getFile("1_Hat.mp3", { exclusive: false }, function (fileEntry) {
console.log("fileEntry is file? " + fileEntry.isFile.toString());
fileEntry.file(function (file) {
player = new Tone.Player(file.localURL).toDestination();
// play as soon as the buffer is loaded
player.autostart = true;
}, console.log("getFile") );
}, console.log("onErrorLoadFs") );
I think it's almost certainly a security issue, but I don't understand what's missing, I've tried all sorts of ways to get to this file, which is present in the www folder.
Finally I managed to solve in this way, I don't know if it is the best way, or if it is the only way, but in this way I can get to the resources, present in the www / directory. It hasn't been easy for me, and I think this can help someone else.
//attach a click listener to a play button
document.querySelector('#Play').addEventListener('click', async () => {
await Tone.start()
console.log('audio is ready');
function play() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "1_Hat.mp3", true);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function(){
var blob = URL.createObjectURL(this.response);
var player = new Tone.Player().toDestination();
player.autostart = true;
Thanks for this! great help: #628 (comment)