given a string as shown below,
how to print it like shown below ?
The original string will always maintain the above-mentioned format.
I did not realize you had periods and commas... that adds a bit of trickery. You have to split on the periods too
I would use something like this...
list_to_parse = "[xyx],[abc].[cfd],[abc].[dgr],[abc]"
count = 0
for i in list_to_parse.split('.'):
for j in i.split(','):
string = str(count + 1) + "." + j
if string:
count += 1
string = None
Another option is split on the left bracket, and then just re-add it with enumerate - then strip commas and periods - this method is also probably a tiny bit faster, as it's not a loop inside a loop
list_to_parse = "[xyx],[abc].[cfd],[abc].[dgr],[abc]"
for index, i in enumerate(list.split('[')):
if i:
print(str(index) + ".[" + i.rstrip(',.'))
also strip is really "what characters to remove" not a specific pattern. so you can add any characters you want removed from the right, and it will work through the list until it hits a character it can't remove. there is also lstrip() and strip()
string manipulation can always get tricky, so pay attention. as this will output a blank first object, so index zero isn't printed etc... always practice and learn your needs :D