Good morning, I have a problem with my php page that sends mails using PhpMailer because everything I enter with accented letters when it is sent to the external application, which uses Internet Explorer since it is old, is downloaded with unaccented characters; I guess it is a coding problem and for this I tried to do some tests that I put here below:
$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
$mail = new PHPMailer(true);
$mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP
$mail->SMTPDebug = 0;
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Host = "####";
$mail->Username = "####";
$mail->Password = "####";
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
$mail->Port = ####;
$mail->From = "####";
$mail->FromName = '';
$mail->charSet = "multipart/alternative";
$mail->Subject = utf8_decode($oggetto);
$mail->Body = utf8_decode($messaggio);
below is the message to be sent to an external application that needs special tags:
$messaggio = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15">'
. '<!--MF@[WEB]--><strong>ORDINE</strong> num. <!--MF$[NUM]-->' . $numero_ordine . '<!--MF&[NUM]--> del <!--MF$[DAT]-->' . $data . '<!--MF&[DAT]--><br/>'
. '<hr/><br/>'
. 'Azienda: <!--MF$[SOC]-->' . $UserSoc . '<!--MF&[SOC]--> ' . $strSocCts . '<br />'
. $strSdi
. $strInd . '<br/>'
. $strPiv . '<br/>'
. $strCRS . '<br/>'
. $strTel . '<br />'
. $strEma . '<br />'
. '<br />'
. 'Dati recapito:<br />'
. '<hr/>'
. $strRecSoc . '<br/>'
. $strRecInd . $strRecTel . $strRecEma
. '<br /><br />'
. $prodott
. '<hr/>'
. 'Subtotale materiale: ' . fix($total) . ' euro + Trasporto: ' . $trasporto . ' euro <br />'
. $ivatotale . $sconto . $pagamento
. 'Vettore: ' . $vettore . '<br />'
. '<hr>'
. $totaletotale
. $annotazioni
. 'Note : <br/><hr>'
. $UserNec . '<br/><br/>';
As tests for encoding I tested these but I only got characters with no accent or "weird" characters.
* The character set of the message.
* @type string
public $CharSet = 'UTF-8';
* The MIME Content-type of the message.
* @type string
public $ContentType = 'text/plain';
trying to put as charset = ISO-8859-1 or UTF8 but without results.
I just don't understand where I'm wrong. Thanks in advance.
Firstly you're using a very old and unsupported version of PHPMailer, so upgrade.
$mail->charSet = "multipart/alternative";
PHP is case sensitive for property names, so this will fail to set the CharSet
property. Even if it did work, multipart/alternative
is a MIME type, not a character set name.
The utf8_decode
function converts UTF-8 text into ISO-8859-1, for the set of characters that are common to both character sets. Whether that is appropriate depends on your input string actually being in UTF=8, and the output being expected to be ISO-8859-1; if either of these are incorrect, it will make a mess.
Generally speaking, you want to use UTF-8 everywhere, and if you do that, all you should need to do is:
$mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
and if your content is already in UTF-8 (which it probably is), you can then simply do:
$mail->Subject = $oggetto;
$mail->Body = $messaggio;