
How to plot a covariance matrix on a 2D plot in MATLAB?

In MATLAB there is a function called cov. If I insert a matrix X into cov like this cov(X), then cov will return a square matrix of covariance.

My question is very simple: How can I, with MATLAB, plot that matrix cov(X) onto a 2D plot like this. I can see a lot of covariance matrix plots at Google. But how do they create them?

enter image description here


  • My best guess is that you're trying to add the principal components to the plot. To do that, you could do something like this.

    %% generate data points
    S_tru = [2 1; 1 1];
    N = 1000;
    %% compute mean, covariance, principal components
    X = mvnrnd([0,0],S_tru,N);
    mu = mean(X);
    S = cov(X);
    [U,D] = eig(S);
    %% specify base points/directions for arrows
    base = [mu;mu];
    vecs = sqrt(D)*U';
    vecs = 2 * vecs;
    %% plot
    plot(X(:,1),X(:,2), 'r.')
    axis equal
    hold on

    Resulting graph:

    covariance plot