
can derived class access base class non-static members without object of the base class

can derived class access base class non-static members without object of the base class

class base
    int data;
    void f1()
class derived : base 
public :
     void f()
        base::data = 44; // is this possible
        cout << base::data << endl;

why does the below one shows a error

class base
    int data;
    void f1()
class derived : base 
public :
     static void f()
        base::data = 44; // this one shows a error
        cout << base::data << endl;

i could not find the answer at any wedsites


  • In your 1st example

    class derived : base 
        void f()
            base::data = 44;

    f() is not-static. It works on an object of derived, which includes an object of base. So, base::data = 44; is equivalent to data = 44; and it accesses the member of the object.

    In the 2nd example

    class derived : base 
        static void f()
            base::data = 44;

    function f() is static, so it does not have access to any object. There, base::data = 44; could mean static data member of base. But because data is non-static, the expression is ill-formed.