Need to pull information about metadata changes from the project in the git (there is a local copy), namely: The number of commits per file (code, metadata) for 2 weeks on a certain branch on the folder na_gold'force-app/main/default'
import os
import time
import git
import datetime
Changedata = {}
MY_PATH = os.chdir(r'C:\Users\vsi\int\sfdevops_metrics\.project\na_gold')
repo = git.Repo(MY_PATH)
I can't figure out how to do it yet, because there's not a word in the documentation
This line give info
file = repo.git.log('--since=2.weeks', '--name-only')
All scrip have next lines
import git
import re
import collections
j = collections.defaultdict(int)
Changedata = {}
#MY_PATH = '/home/bot_slack_git/na_gold/'
MY_PATH1 = r'C:\Users\vsi\int\sfdevops_metrics\.project\na_gold\force-app\main\default'
MY_PATH = r'C:\Users\vsi\int\na_gold'
repo = git.Repo(MY_PATH)
file = repo.git.log('--since=2.weeks', '--name-only')