
Get Latency of Bluetooth Headphoners UWP C++

I want to make sure the latency between my app and the bluetooth headphones is accounted for, but I have absolutely no idea how I can get this value. The closest thing I found was: BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParameters.ConnectionLatency which is only available on Windows 11... Otherwise there isn't much to go on.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Peter


  • It's very difficult to get the exact latency because it is affected by many parameters - but you're on the right track by guessing that the connection parameters are a factor of this equation. I don't have much knowledge on UWP, but I can give you the general parameters that affect the speed/latency, and then you can check their availability in the API or even contact Windows technical team to see if these are supported.

    When you make a connection with a remote device, the following factors impact the speed/latency of the connection:-

    You can find more information about these parameters here:-

    And below are some other links that might help you understand what is supported on UWP:-