
Oracle Apex 18. some icon of the universal theme are missing

i'm using oracle apex 18.1. Some of the icons of the universal themes are missing while i'm trying to use them.

For example, for a button, the fa-bomb is present but the fa-workflow or fa-taks-alt are missing.

I can't figure why some icons works and some don't. I can't see either where the icons files are located or a list of all icons available to me. Looks like the majority is there, but the one's missing are the one I need. :)

Anyone already had this problem?


  • If you open up Developer tools in your browser (F12 in Chrome or Firefox), go to the network tab, press Control + F5 for a hard refresh, then filter for font-apex, you should be able to see the CSS file that contains the each of the font-apex icons that are supported. In my screenshot below, 2.2.1 is the font-apex version and 21.2.0 is my version of APEX.

    Network Requests

    If you navigate to that directory on your web server, there is also a non-minified version of the CSS file if you'd like to look at that.


    If you wish to see all of the icons from within the APEX Page Designers, if you create a button on a page, then click on the List of Values button next to the Icon field, a popup will appear with all of the available icons for you to use.

    Page Designer Icons

    Another option is in your application, go to Utilities then Font Apex Icons for a full list of supported icons and an editor to apply modifiers and such. I'm not 100% sure if this existed in your version of APEX but it is available in the most recent version.

    Font Apex Icons