I am watching Paul O Shannessy - Building React From Scratch
And I understand the mounting process very well but I have hard day trying to understand how React update a component and its children
The reconciler controls the update process by this method:
function receiveComponent(component, element) {
let prevElement = component._currentElement;
if (prevElement === element) {
receiveComponent(nextElement) {
this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement);
and this is the Component.updateComponent
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
if (prevElement !== nextElement) {
// React would call componentWillReceiveProps here
// React would call componentWillUpdate here
// Update instance data
this._currentElement = nextElement;
this.props = nextElement.props;
this.state = this._pendingState;
this._pendingState = null;
let prevRenderedElement = this._renderedComponent._currentElement;
let nextRenderedElement = this.render();
if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevRenderedElement, nextRenderedElement)) {
Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement);
This is the part of the code that updates the component after state change, and i assume that it should update the children too, but i can't understand how this code achieves that, in the mounting process React instantiate components to dive deeper in the tree but this doesn't happen here, we need to find the first HTML element then we can change our strategy and update that HTML element in another place in the code, and I can't find any way to find any HTML elements this way.
Finding the first HTML is the way to stop this endless recursion and logically this is what I expect from the code, to stop recursion the same way in the mounting process, but in mounting, this demanded component instantiation so we can delegate to the reconciler that will discover that we are dealing with a wrapper instance of an HTML element not a wrapper instance of a custom component then React can place that HTML element in the DOM.
I can't understand how the code works in the update process. this code as I see won't dive deeper in the tree and I think won't update the children and can't let React find the first HTML element so React can update the DOM element, isn't it?
This is the code repo on Github
Here is the codesandbox I created
and here's a short recording of me opening the debugger and seeing the call stack.
Starting from where you left off, Component.updateComponent:
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
if (shouldUpdateComponent(prevRenderedElement, nextRenderedElement)) {
Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement);
in the Component.updateComponent
method Reconciler.receiveComponent
is called which calls component.receiveComponent(element);
Now, this component
refers to this._renderedComponent
and is not an instance of Component
but of DOMComponentWrapper
and here's the receiveComponent method of DOMComponentWrapper
receiveComponent(nextElement) {
this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement);
updateComponent(prevElement, nextElement) {
// debugger;
this._currentElement = nextElement;
this._updateDOMProperties(prevElement.props, nextElement.props);
this._updateDOMChildren(prevElement.props, nextElement.props);
Then _updateDOMChildren
ends up calling the children render
here's a call stack from the codesandbox I created to dig in.
in the Component
's mountComponent
method we have:
let renderedComponent = instantiateComponent(renderedElement);
this._renderedComponent = renderedComponent;
and in instantiateComponent
we have:
let type = element.type;
let wrapperInstance;
if (typeof type === 'string') {
wrapperInstance = HostComponent.construct(element);
} else if (typeof type === 'function') {
wrapperInstance = new element.type(element.props);
} else if (typeof element === 'string' || typeof element === 'number') {
wrapperInstance = HostComponent.constructTextComponent(element);
return wrapperInstance;
HostComponent is being injected with DOMComponentWrapper
in dilithium.js
main file:
HostComponent is only a kind of proxy meant to invert control and allow different Hosts in React.
here's the inject
function inject(impl) {
implementation = impl;
and the construct
function construct(element) {
return new implementation(element);
If we are updating a chain of Non Host Components like:
const Child = <div>Hello</div>
const Parent = () => <Child />
How does Child
get rendered from an update to Parent
the Parent
has the following:
(which is also a Component
so Reconciler.receiveComponent(this._renderedComponent, nextRenderedElement)
will be calling component.receiveComponent(element)
of the Child which in turn calls this.updateComponent(this._currentElement, nextElement);
(of Child
) which calls it's render
method (let nextRenderedElement = this.render();