
Resolving Python-pptx package not found

I'm trying to do something fairly simple: store each text box in a powerpoint file as an element in a giant python list. This code should be getting me to that outcome:

text_array = []
for eachfile in glob.glob("master_folder\*.pptx"):
    prs = Presentation(eachfile)
    for slide in prs.slides:
        for shape in slide.shapes:
            if hasattr(shape, "text"):

However, like some other questions on SO (PPTX Package not Found), I am greeted with the error:

PackageNotFoundError: Package not found at 'master_folder\April_2020.pptx'

What I've tried:

However, the error has persisted.


Can someone with experience using this library point me in the right direction for the simple task of scraping in-document text and storing it within an native python list (as seen in my code)?


  • if you can't find anything maybe provide a sample pptx which is not working.