I'm using Navision to call ReadAsMultipartAsync().Result
in a C# library, but this blocks Navision. If I change the library with await and sync, I can't manage a Task result from Navision, so I would like to call the "ReadAsMultipartAsync" function but in a synchronous way.
If I do something like this: streamCont.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
works, but I spent 20 seconds on this case.
There are any way of wait the task of ReadAsMultipartAsync
without block Navision?. Thanks
I have found a way to do it that works. It's funny but this blocks Nav:
Task<MultipartMemoryStreamProvider> task = streamContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync();
And these two work fine:
Task thread1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => result = streamContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync().Result);
Task tarea1 = new Task(() => result = streamContent.ReadAsMultipartAsync().Result);
I don't know what the difference is between the first option and the others, or if it can give an error in some cases, but for now it seems to work.