I am trying to use flux query language to find the sum of a column based on a person. If I have the following input table:
How can I use a Flux Query to obtain the following output table:
I have tried something like this so far but I get errors:
from: (bucket: "example")
|> range(start:v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r)=> r["_measurement"] == "test")
|> group(columns: r["person"])
|> reduce( fn: (r, accumulator) => ({sum: r._value + accumulator.sum}), identity: {sum: 0})
You are almost on the right way. You have already grouped by name and now you need to use function sum
. Pay attention on last function - |> group()
it's just for union table to one view.
|> group(columns: ["person"])
|> sum(column: "hoursSpent")
|> group()
I provide full of my query for debug:
import "array"
data = array.from(rows: [
{person: "John Smith", sport: "Cycling", hoursSpent: 5},
{person: "John Smith", sport: "Hiking", hoursSpent: 6},
{person: "John Smith", sport: "Swimming", hoursSpent: 1},
{person: "John Smith", sport: "Dancing", hoursSpent: 2},
{person: "Nancy Jones", sport: "Badminton", hoursSpent: 10},
{person: "Nancy Jones", sport: "Soccer", hoursSpent: 31},
{person: "Nancy Jones", sport: "Basketball", hoursSpent: 8},
{person: "Trevor John", sport: "Baseball", hoursSpent: 24},
{person: "Trevor John", sport: "Water Polo", hoursSpent: 2},
|> group(columns: ["person"])
|> sum(column: "hoursSpent")
|> group()