
Chrome DevTools Protocol using Boost Beast

I`m trying to use a web socket client that connects to a server using Boost library. The situation is that the server sometimes sends pre-determined amounts of JSON messages, but sometimes more.

From stack overflow I have a solution posted by @sehe, which can be found here. This works well for me if I know for sure the amount of messages sent back is 1,2,3, etc.

However it does not work well if:

I have done a little digging and tested the async example client from the Boost website. It works "well", for 1 message. Using that example inside a thread or timer will trigger the assert from Boost.

The ideal solution for me would be what @sehe posted, short, simple; but it should read "all" the messages sent back. I realise this can be done only if you "know" when the message stream "ends", but with my lack of experience in using Boost and web sockets in C++ I am lost.

Please advise what would be the solution for this purpose. To re-iterate:

Many thanks


  • In response to the comments/chat I have cooked up¹ an example of a straight-forward translation of the example from e.g. https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp#targets--sessions into C++ using Beast.

    Note that it uses the command IDs to correlate responses to requests. Note as well that these are session-specific, so if you must support multiple sessions, you will need to account for that.

    #1: Callback Style

    #include <boost/asio.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <deque>
    #include <ranges>
    #include <boost/json.hpp>
    //#include <boost/json/src.hpp> // for header-only
    namespace json      = boost::json;
    namespace net       = boost::asio;
    namespace beast     = boost::beast;
    namespace websocket = beast::websocket;
    namespace r = std::ranges;
    static std::ostream debug(/*nullptr*/ std::cerr.rdbuf());
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using boost::signals2::scoped_connection;
    using boost::system::error_code;
    using net::ip::tcp;
    // Sends a WebSocket message and prints the response
    class CWebSocket_Sync {
        websocket::stream<tcp::socket> ws_;
        using executor_type = net::any_io_executor;
        executor_type get_executor() { return ws_.get_executor(); }
        // Resolver and socket require an io_context
        explicit CWebSocket_Sync(executor_type ex) : ws_(make_strand(ex)) {}
        // call backs are on the strand, not on the main thread
        boost::signals2::signal<void(json::object const&)> onMessage;
        // public functions not assumed to be on the strand
        void Connect(std::string const& host, std::string const& port, std::string const& path)
            post(get_executor(), [=, this] {
                tcp::resolver resolver_(get_executor());
                // TODO async_connect prevents potential blocking wait
                // TODO async_handshake (idem)
                auto ep = net::connect(ws_.next_layer(), //
                                       resolver_.resolve(host, port));
                ws_.handshake(host + ':' + std::to_string(ep.port()), path);
        void ServerCommand(json::object const& cmd)
            post(get_executor(), [text = serialize(cmd), this] {
                if (outbox_.size() == 1) // not already sending?
        void CloseConnection() {
            post(get_executor(), [this] {
                ws_.async_close(websocket::close_code::normal, [](error_code ec) {
                    debug << "CloseConnection (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
        // do_XXXX functions assumed to be on the strand
        beast::flat_buffer inbox_;
        void do_receive_loop() {
            debug << "do_receive_loop..." << std::endl;
            ws_.async_read(inbox_, [this](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                debug << "Received " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                if (!ec) {
                    auto text   = inbox_.cdata();
                    auto parsed = json::parse(
                        {buffer_cast<char const*>(text), text.size()}, ec);
                    if (!ec) {
                        onMessage(parsed.as_object()); // exceptions will blow up
                    } else {
                        debug << "Ignore failed parse (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
        std::deque<std::string> outbox_;
        void do_send_loop() {
            debug << "do_send_loop " << outbox_.size() << std::endl;
            if (outbox_.empty())
            ws_.async_write( //
                net::buffer(outbox_.front()), [this](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    debug << "Sent " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec) {
    int main()
        net::thread_pool ioc(1);
        CWebSocket_Sync client(ioc.get_executor());
        client.Connect("localhost", "9222", "/devtools/browser/bb8efece-b445-42d0-a4cc-349fccd8514d");
        auto trace = client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& obj) {
            debug << "Received " << obj << std::endl;
        unsigned id = 1; // TODO make per session
        scoped_connection sub = client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& obj) {
            if ((obj.contains("id") && obj.at("id") == 1)) {
                auto& infos = obj.at("result").at("targetInfos").as_array();
                if (auto pageTarget = r::find_if(infos,
                        [](auto& info) { return info.at("type") == "page"; })) //
                    std::cout << "pageTarget " << *pageTarget << std::endl;
                    sub = client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& obj) {
                        // idea:
                        // if(obj.contains("method") && obj.at("method") == "Target.attachedToTarget"))
                        if (obj.contains("id") && obj.at("id") == 2) {
                            auto sessionId = value_to<std::string>(obj.at("result").at("sessionId"));
                            std::cout << "sessionId: " << sessionId << std::endl;
                            sub.release(); // stop expecting a specific response
                                {"sessionId", sessionId},
                                {"id", 1}, // IDs are independent between sessions
                                {"method", "Page.navigate"},
                                {"params", json::object{
                                     {"url", "https://stackoverflow.com/q/70768742/85371"},
                        {{"id", id++},
                         {"method", "Target.attachToTarget"},
                                 {"targetId", pageTarget->at("targetId")},
                                 {"flatten", true},
            {"id", id++},
            {"method", "Target.getTargets"},

    When testing (I hardcoded the websocket URL for now);

    enter image description here

    The complete output is:

    do_send_loop 1
    Sent 37 bytes (Success)
    do_send_loop 0
    Received 10138 bytes (Success)
    Received {"id":1,"result":{"targetInfos":[{"targetId":"53AC5A92902F306C626CF3B3A2BB1878","type":"page","title":"Google","url":"https://www.google.com/","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"15E97D88D0D1417314CBCB24D4A0FABA"},{"targetId":"D945FE9AC3EBF060805A90097DF2D7EF","type":"page","title":"(1) WhatsApp","url":"https://web.whatsapp.com/","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"6DBC2EDCADF891A4A68FA9A878AAA574","type":"page","title":"aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp: Getting Started With Chrome DevTools Protocol","url":"https://github.com/aslushnikov/getting-started-with-cdp#targets--sessions","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"35BE8DA1EE5A0F51EDEF9AA71738968C","type":"background_page","title":"Gnome-shell-integratie","url":"chrome-extension://gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep/extension.html","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"477A0D3805F436D95C9D6DC0760862C1","type":"background_page","title":"uBlock Origin","url":"chrome-extension://cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/background.html","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"15E97D88D0D1417314CBCB24D4A0FABA"},{"targetId":"B1371BC4FA5117900C2ABF28C69E3098","type":"page","title":"On Software and Languages: Holy cow, I wrote a book!","url":"http://ib-krajewski.blogspot.com/2019/02/holy-cow-i-wrote-book.html","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"1F3A58D579C18DDD819EF46EBBB0AD4C","type":"page","title":"c++ - Boost Beast Websocket - Send and Read until no more data - Stack Overflow","url":"https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70768742/boost-beast-websocket-send-and-read-until-no-more-data","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"A89EBECFD804FD9D4FF899274CB1E4C5","type":"background_page","title":"Dark Reader","url":"chrome-extension://eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh/background/index.html","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"},{"targetId":"9612E681CCF4E4E47D400B0849FA05E6","type":"background_page","title":"uBlock Origin","url":"chrome-extension://cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/background.html","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"9806733E4CD80888448B20DA32A515F6"}]}}
    pageTarget {"targetId":"53AC5A92902F306C626CF3B3A2BB1878","type":"page","title":"Google","url":"https://www.google.com/","attached":false,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"15E97D88D0D1417314CBCB24D4A0FABA"}
    do_send_loop 1
    Sent 113 bytes (Success)
    do_send_loop 0
    Received 339 bytes (Success)
    Received {"method":"Target.attachedToTarget","params":{"sessionId":"29AD9FFD2EAE70BAF10076A9E05DD000","targetInfo":{"targetId":"53AC5A92902F306C626CF3B3A2BB1878","type":"page","title":"Google","url":"https://www.google.com/","attached":true,"canAccessOpener":false,"browserContextId":"15E97D88D0D1417314CBCB24D4A0FABA"},"waitingForDebugger":false}}
    Received 66 bytes (Success)
    Received {"id":2,"result":{"sessionId":"29AD9FFD2EAE70BAF10076A9E05DD000"}}
    sessionId: 29AD9FFD2EAE70BAF10076A9E05DD000
    do_send_loop 1
    Sent 142 bytes (Success)
    do_send_loop 0
    Received 157 bytes (Success)
    Received {"id":1,"result":{"frameId":"53AC5A92902F306C626CF3B3A2BB1878","loaderId":"A3680FBE84DEBDA3444FFA6CD7C5A5A5"},"sessionId":"29AD9FFD2EAE70BAF10076A9E05DD000"}
    Received 0 bytes (Operation canceled)
    CloseConnection (Operation canceled)

    #2: Promises/Future Style

    I created a Request method that returns a future like the nodejs example:

    std::future<json::object> Request(json::object const& cmd)
        auto fut = Expect([id = msgId(cmd)](json::object const& resp) {
            return msgId(resp) == id;
        return fut;

    Note how it got a bit more elegant with the addition of the msgId extraction helper:

    static json::object msgId(json::object const& message) {
        return filtered(message, {"id", "sessionId"}); // TODO more ?

    This neatly facilitates multi-session responses where the "id" need not be unique across different "sessionId"s. The condition stays a simple if (msgId(msg) == id).

    It also uses Send and Expect as building blocks:

    void Send(json::object const& cmd)
        post(get_executor(), [text = serialize(cmd), this] {
            if (outbox_.size() == 1) // not already sending?
    template <typename F> std::future<json::object> Expect(F&& pred)
        struct State {
            boost::signals2::connection _subscription;
            std::promise<json::object>  _promise;
        auto state = std::make_shared<State>();
        state->_subscription = onMessage.connect( //
            [=, pred = std::forward<F>(pred)](json::object const& msg) {
                if (pred(msg)) {
        return state->_promise.get_future();

    Now the main program can be written less backwards:

    auto targets = client.Request({
        {"id", id++},
        {"method", "Target.getTargets"},
    auto pageTarget = r::find_if(targets.as_array(), [](auto& info) {
        return info.at("type") == "page";
    if (!pageTarget) {
        std::cerr << "No page target\n";
        return 0;
    std::cout << "pageTarget " << *pageTarget << std::endl;
    auto sessionId = client.Request(
            {{"id", id++},
               {"method", "Target.attachToTarget"},
               {"params", json::object{
                   {"targetId", pageTarget->at("targetId")},
                   {"flatten", true},
    std::cout << "sessionId: " << sessionId << std::endl;
    auto response = client.Request({
            {"sessionId", sessionId},
            {"id", 1}, // IDs are independent between sessions
            {"method", "Page.navigate"},
            {"params", json::object{
                 {"url", "https://stackoverflow.com/q/70768742/85371"},
        }) .get();
    std::cout << "Navigation response: " << response << std::endl;

    Which leads to output like:

     -- trace {"id":1,"result":{"targetInfos":[{"targetId":"35BE8DA1EE5A0F51EDEF9AA71738968C","type":"background_page","title":"Gnom....
    pageTarget {"targetId":"1F3A58D579C18DDD819EF46EBBB0AD4C","type":"page","title":"c++ - Boost Beast Websocket - Send and Read unt....
     -- trace {"method":"Target.attachedToTarget","params":{"sessionId":"58931793102C2A5576E4D5D6CDC3D601","targetInfo":{"targetId":....
     -- trace {"id":2,"result":{"sessionId":"58931793102C2A5576E4D5D6CDC3D601"}}
    sessionId: "58931793102C2A5576E4D5D6CDC3D601"
     -- trace {"id":1,"result":{"frameId":"1F3A58D579C18DDD819EF46EBBB0AD4C","loaderId":"9E70C5AAF0B5A503BA2770BB73A4FEC3"},"session....
    Navigation response: {"id":1,"result":{"frameId":"1F3A58D579C18DDD819EF46EBBB0AD4C","loaderId":"9E70C5AAF0B5A503BA2770BB73A4FEC3....

    Comment After Care:

    I would have one last question if you do not mind? Can I use somehow std::future<T>::wait_until so I can find out if the page was loaded completely? (for example checking for Network.loadingFinished object)?

    Sure, just code it:

        std::promise<void> promise;
        scoped_connection  sub =
            client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& msg) {
                if (auto m = msg.if_contains("method"); *m == "Network.loadingFinished")
        auto loadingFinished = promise.get_future();
        loadingFinished.wait(); // OR:
        loadingFinished.wait_for(5s); // OR:
        loadingFinished.wait_until(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + 1min);

    To also have the message:

        std::promise<json::object> promise;
        scoped_connection  sub =
            client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& msg) {
                if (auto m = msg.if_contains("method"); *m == "Network.loadingFinished")
        auto message = promise.get_future().get();;

    Of course you could/should consider encapsulating in a class method again.

    UPDATE - I have since refactored the original futures code to use these as building blocks (Expect, Send together make Request)

    Now you can just

    auto loadingFinished = client.Expect(isMethod("Network.loadingFinished")).get();
    std::cout << "Got: " << loadingFinished << "\n";

    Of course, assuming a tiny helper like:

    auto isMethod = [](auto value) {
        return [value](json::object const& msg) {
            auto m = msg.if_contains("method");
            return m && *m == value;

    As a bonus, to monitor continuously for specific messages:

    enum ActionResult { ContinueMonitoring, StopMonitoring };
    template <typename A, typename F>
    auto Monitor(A action, F&& filter = [](auto&&) noexcept { return true; })
        struct State {
            boost::signals2::connection _subscription;
            std::promise<json::object>  _promise;
        auto state = std::make_shared<State>();
        auto stop  = [state] { state->_subscription.disconnect(); };
        state->_subscription = onMessage.connect( //
            [=, filter = std::forward<F>(filter)](json::object const& msg) {
                if (filter(msg) && StopMonitoring == action(msg))
        return stop; // gives the caller an "external" way to stop the monitor

    A contrived example of usage:

    // monitor until 3 messages having an id divisable by 7 have been received
    std::atomic_int count = 0;
    auto stopMonitor = client.Monitor(
        [&count](json::object const& msg) {
            std::cout << "Divisable by 7: " << msg << "\n";
            return ++count >= 3 ? CDPClient::StopMonitoring
                                : CDPClient::ContinueMonitoring;
        [](json::object const& msg) {
            auto id = msg.if_contains("id");
            return id && (0 == id->as_int64() % 7);
    stopMonitor(); // even if 3 messages had not been reached, stop the monitor
    std::cout << count << " messages having an id divisable by 7 had been received in 5s\n";

    Full Listing (of the Futures Version)

    Sadly Exceeds Compiler Explorer Limits:

    #include <boost/asio.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast.hpp>
    #include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
    #include <boost/json.hpp>
    //#include <boost/json/src.hpp> // for header-only
    #include <boost/signals2.hpp>
    #include <deque>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <ranges>
    namespace json      = boost::json;
    namespace net       = boost::asio;
    namespace beast     = boost::beast;
    namespace websocket = beast::websocket;
    namespace r = std::ranges;
    static std::ostream debug(nullptr); // std::cerr.rdbuf()
    static const auto filtered(json::object const&                      obj,
            std::initializer_list<json::string_view> props)
        boost::json::object result;
        for (auto prop : props)
            if (auto const* v = obj.if_contains(prop))
                result[prop] = *v;
        return result;
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;
    using boost::signals2::scoped_connection;
    using boost::system::error_code;
    using net::ip::tcp;
    // Sends a WebSocket message and prints the response
    class CDPClient {
        websocket::stream<tcp::socket> ws_;
        using executor_type = net::any_io_executor;
        executor_type get_executor() { return ws_.get_executor(); }
        // Resolver and socket require an io_context
        explicit CDPClient(executor_type ex) : ws_(make_strand(ex)) {}
        // call backs are on the strand, not on the main thread
        boost::signals2::signal<void(json::object const&)> onMessage;
        // public functions not assumed to be on the strand
        void Connect(std::string const& host, std::string const& port, std::string const& path)
            post(get_executor(), [=, this] {
                    tcp::resolver resolver_(get_executor());
                    // TODO async_connect prevents potential blocking wait
                    // TODO async_handshake (idem)
                    auto ep = net::connect(ws_.next_layer(), //
                                           resolver_.resolve(host, port));
                    ws_.handshake(host + ':' + std::to_string(ep.port()), path);
        void Send(json::object const& cmd)
            post(get_executor(), [text = serialize(cmd), this] {
                if (outbox_.size() == 1) // not already sending?
        template <typename F> std::future<json::object> Expect(F&& pred)
            struct State {
                boost::signals2::connection _subscription;
                std::promise<json::object>  _promise;
            auto state = std::make_shared<State>();
            state->_subscription = onMessage.connect( //
                [=, pred = std::forward<F>(pred)](json::object const& msg) {
                    if (pred(msg)) {
            return state->_promise.get_future();
        static json::object msgId(json::object const& message) {
            return filtered(message, {"id", "sessionId"}); // TODO more ?
        std::future<json::object> Request(json::object const& cmd)
            auto fut = Expect([id = msgId(cmd)](json::object const& resp) {
                return msgId(resp) == id;
            return fut;
        enum ActionResult { ContinueMonitoring, StopMonitoring };
        template <typename A, typename F>
        auto Monitor(A action, F&& filter = [](auto&&) noexcept { return true; })
            struct State {
                boost::signals2::connection _subscription;
                std::promise<json::object>  _promise;
            auto state = std::make_shared<State>();
            auto stop  = [state] { state->_subscription.disconnect(); };
            state->_subscription = onMessage.connect( //
                [=, filter = std::forward<F>(filter)](json::object const& msg) {
                    if (filter(msg) && StopMonitoring == action(msg))
            return stop; // gives the caller an "external" way to stop the monitor
        void CloseConnection() {
            post(get_executor(), [this] {
                ws_.async_close( //
                    websocket::close_code::normal, [this](error_code ec) {
                        debug << "CloseConnection (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
        // do_XXXX functions assumed to be on the strand
        beast::flat_buffer inbox_;
        void do_receive_loop() {
            debug << "do_receive_loop..." << std::endl;
            ws_.async_read(inbox_, [this](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                debug << "Received " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                if (!ec) {
                    auto text   = inbox_.cdata();
                    auto parsed = json::parse(
                        {buffer_cast<char const*>(text), text.size()}, ec);
                    if (!ec) {
                        onMessage(parsed.as_object()); // exceptions will blow up
                    } else {
                        debug << "Ignore failed parse (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
        std::deque<std::string> outbox_;
        void do_send_loop() {
            debug << "do_send_loop " << outbox_.size() << std::endl;
            if (outbox_.empty())
            ws_.async_write( //
                net::buffer(outbox_.front()), [this](error_code ec, size_t n) {
                    debug << "Sent " << n << " bytes (" << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;
                    if (!ec) {
    int main()
        net::thread_pool ioc(1);
        CDPClient client(ioc.get_executor());
        client.Connect("localhost", "9222", "/devtools/browser/bb8efece-b445-42d0-a4cc-349fccd8514d");
        auto trace = client.onMessage.connect([&](json::object const& obj) {
            std::cerr << " -- trace " << obj << std::endl;
        unsigned id = 1; // TODO make per session
        auto targets = client.Request({
            {"id", id++},
            {"method", "Target.getTargets"},
        auto pageTarget = r::find_if(targets.as_array(), [](auto& info) {
            return info.at("type") == "page";
        if (!pageTarget) {
            std::cerr << "No page target\n";
            return 0;
        std::cout << "pageTarget " << *pageTarget << std::endl;
        auto sessionId = client.Request(
                {{"id", id++},
                   {"method", "Target.attachToTarget"},
                   {"params", json::object{
                       {"targetId", pageTarget->at("targetId")},
                       {"flatten", true},
        std::cout << "sessionId: " << sessionId << std::endl;
        auto response = client.Request({
                {"sessionId", sessionId},
                {"id", 1}, // IDs are independent between sessions
                {"method", "Page.navigate"},
                {"params", json::object{
                     {"url", "https://stackoverflow.com/q/70768742/85371"},
            }) .get();
        std::cout << "Navigation response: " << response << std::endl;
        auto isMethod = [](auto value) {
            return [value](json::object const& msg) {
                auto m = msg.if_contains("method");
                return m && *m == value;
        auto loadingFinished = client.Expect(isMethod("Network.loadingFinished")).get();
        std::cout << "Got: " << loadingFinished << "\n";
        // monitor until 3 messages having an id divisable by 7 have been received
        std::atomic_int count = 0;
        auto stopMonitor = client.Monitor(
            [&count](json::object const& msg) {
                std::cout << "Divisable by 7: " << msg << "\n";
                return ++count >= 3 ? CDPClient::StopMonitoring
                                    : CDPClient::ContinueMonitoring;
            [](json::object const& msg) {
                auto id = msg.if_contains("id");
                return id && (0 == id->as_int64() % 7);
        stopMonitor(); // even if 3 messages had not been reached, stop the monitor
        std::cout << count << " messages having an id divisable by 7 had been received in 5s\n";

    ¹ besides some dinner