
How to move Laravel Events into subdirectories and still have them work when broadcasting?

I've moved my Laravel Events into subdirectories, and now my broadcasted messages are not being received. Pusher shows them ok, and if I move them out of the subdirectories then they work as expected, so I believe this is a namespacing issue, but I cannot figure out how to make it work.

The Event I'm focusing on is called TeamInvitationEvent and is located in the Events->Company->Memberships directory.

Here is my Listener:

public function getListeners()
    $user_id = Auth::id();
    return [
        'refresh-navigation-top-menu' => '$refresh',
        "echo-private:user.{$user_id},TeamInvitationEvent" => 'notifyInvitation',
        "echo-private:user.{$user_id},TeamInvitationCancelledEvent" => 'notifyInvitationCancelled',
        "echo-private:user.{$user_id},TeamInvitationAcceptedEvent" => 'notifyInvitationAccepted',
        "echo-private:user.{$user_id},TeamMemberRemovedEvent" => 'notifyMemberRemoved',

Here is a screenshot of my Pusher debug console, showing that the user is subscribed to the correct private channel, and that the API Message is being broadcast on that channel:

Pusher Screenshot

Here is a list of different ways I've tried to correct for the new namespace:

There are no errors in the Laravel logs, or in the Pusher logs, and as I mentioned it works as expected if I don't move them into the subdirectory.

I'm running the following in my app:


  • This was embarrassingly obvious, but here's what fixed it:

    "echo-private:user.{$user_id},Company\Memberships\TeamInvitationEvent" => 'notifyInvitation'

    The docs are very clear that "App\Events" is prepended to all events, so naturally I just needed to add the rest of the namespace to get it working. I looked back and I had actually tried this earlier, but I must have forgot to clear the cache. Big shout-out to @joshhanley on the Livewire Discord chat for getting me sorted on this.

    Side Note: using broadcastAs() made this much cleaner:

    public function broadcastAs()
        return 'team.invitation';

    But don't forget to add a '.' before this custom name in your view, like this:

    "echo-private:user.{$user_id},.team.invitation" => 'notifyInvitation'