
PDI Pentaho - Building nested XML file

I want to build an XML file from a CSV file.

The CSV file has a structure of this kind for each row:

D1 (Discriminant 1)

The XML should have this structure:


I achieved the construction of the outer structure (heading, Tag1, Tag2) working with strings and concatenation (heading + Tag1 + Tag2 + Closing Tag1). I have problems with the nested xml, how would I achieve in Pentaho PDI the nesting of Under-Tagn inside BigTagn?

I want to at least create a different xml file for each row of csv (i.e. a file for each Tag1).


  • I got it; I used a Add Column XML step, created the <Under-Tag1>, called for example UT1, then the next step of the PDI is the construction of <BigTag1>, where I added as a field UT1, as String. In the next step I used Replace in String and substituted &lt; with <, &gt; with >.

    PDI steps:


    Step Add Column XML BigTag1:


    Char substitution:

    enter image description here