I have a datacube of 3Gb opened with xarray that has 3 variables I'm interested in (v, vx, vy). The description is below with the code.
I am interested only in one specific time window spanning between 2009 and 2013, while the entire dataset spans from 1984 to 2018.
What I want to do is:
The issue is that it takes so much time that after 1 hour, the few lines of code I wrote were still running. What I don't understand is that if I save my "v" values as an array, load them as such and calculate their mean, it takes way less time than doing what I wrote below (see code). I don't know if there is a memory leak, or if it is just a terrible way of doing it. My pc has 16Gb of RAM, of which 60% is available before loading the datacube. So theoritically it should have enough RAM to compute everything.
What would be an efficient way to truncate my datacube to the desired time-window, then calculate the temporal mean (over axis 0) of the 3 variables "v", "vx", "vy" ?
I tried doing it like that:
datacube = xr.open_dataset('datacube.nc') # Load the datacube
datacube = datacube.reindex(mid_date = sorted(datacube.mid_date.values)) # Sort the datacube by ascending time, where "mid_date" is the time dimension
sdate = '2009-01' # Start date
edate = '2013-12' # End date
ds = datacube.sel(mid_date = slice(sdate, edate)) # Create a new datacube gathering only the values between the start and end dates
vvtot = np.nanmean(ds.v.values, axis=0) # Calculate the mean of the values of the "v" variable of the new datacube
vxtot = np.nanmean(ds.vx.values, axis=0)
vytot = np.nanmean(ds.vy.values, axis=0)
Dimensions: (mid_date: 18206, y: 334, x: 333)
* mid_date (mid_date) datetime64[ns] 1984-06-10T00:00:00....
* x (x) float64 4.868e+05 4.871e+05 ... 5.665e+05
* y (y) float64 6.696e+06 6.696e+06 ... 6.616e+06
Data variables: (12/43)
UTM_Projection object ...
acquisition_img1 (mid_date) datetime64[ns] ...
acquisition_img2 (mid_date) datetime64[ns] ...
autoRIFT_software_version (mid_date) float64 ...
chip_size_height (mid_date, y, x) float32 ...
chip_size_width (mid_date, y, x) float32 ...
vy (mid_date, y, x) float32 ...
vy_error (mid_date) float32 ...
vy_stable_shift (mid_date) float64 ...
vyp (mid_date, y, x) float64 ...
vyp_error (mid_date) float64 ...
vyp_stable_shift (mid_date) float64 ...
datacube_software_version: 1.0
date_created: 30-01-2021 20:49:16
date_updated: 30-01-2021 20:49:16
projection: 32607
Try to avoid calling ".values" in between, because when you do that you are switching to np.array
instead of xr.DataArray
import xarray as xr
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
# Open the dataset using chunks.
ds = xr.open_dataset(r"/path/to/you/data/test.nc", chunks = "auto")
# Select the period you want to have the mean for.
ds = ds.sel(time = slice(sdate, edate))
# Calculate the mean for all the variables in your ds.
ds = ds.mean(dim = "time")
# The above code takes less than a second, because no actual
# calculations have been done yet (and no data has been loaded into your RAM).
# Once you use ".values", ".compute()", or
# ".to_netcdf()" they will be done. We can see progress like this:
with ProgressBar():
ds = ds.compute()