I am trying to implement postorder traversal of tree using 2 stacks using iterative method. I have implementated the right algorithm. But still didn't getting output, getting error as, Segmentation fault (core dumped). Where I have done wrong can anyone tell me ?
void postorder_iterative(struct node *root)
struct node *stack1[15],*stack2[15];
int top1=-1,top2 =-1;
root = stack1[++top1];
root = stack1[top1--];
stack2[++top2] =root;
if(root->left != NULL)
stack1[++top1] = root->left;
if(root->right != NULL)
stack1[++top1] = root->right;
You are reading an undefined value with this statement, in the first iteration of the loop:
root = stack1[top1--];
This first stack element is undefined, because you never initialised it. It was supposed to get initialised here:
root = stack1[++top1];
But this does not put anything in the stack. Instead it overwrites root
with an undefined value.
It should have been the reversed:
stack1[++top1] = root;
This fixes the issue.
Don't forget to print a new line character once you have printed the list, so nothing is pending in the buffer.