
Results not displayed with click event (Angular)

I'm new to Stackoverflow and to Angular. I'm writing a frontend app (an ecommerce) in Angular. I binded a click event to a button of a mat-menu in order to have the following behavior: when I click on the button I want to display the products of the category that has been clicked. For example, if I click the button "Make-up" I want that all the products with category "Make-up" will be displayed. The problem is that when I click on the button nothing is displayed on the browser, but I suppose that the logic of the app works because if I open the console of the browser the producs of the selected category are printed out.


<mat-menu #menu="matMenu">
    <button mat-menu-item (click)="categoryFilter('Make-up')"> Make-up</button>


    selector: 'app-product',
    templateUrl: './product.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./product.component.css'] })

export class ProductComponent implements OnInit {
    public products: Product[] = [];
    public product!: Product;

    constructor(private productService: ProductService) { }
    ngOnInit() {

    public getProducts(): void{
            (response: Product[]) => {
                this.products= response;
            (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
    public categoryFilter(category: string): void{
            (response: void) => {
            (error. HttpErrorResponse)=>{
    } }


  • I think you have missed binding the response to a property, and then using that property to display the data on your browser.

    I don't know the response type, for demo purposes let's say it's a string.

    First, you'll need to create a property just like you created public product!: Product; we'll call it categoryName: string

    In the click event, you'll have to bind this property with your response, hence it should look something like this:

     public categoryFilter(category: string): void{
                (response: string) => {
                    this.categoryName = response;
                (error. HttpErrorResponse)=>{

    Now You'll have to bind that categoryName in your HTML so that it can be displayed. You can use Angular's text interpolation which uses curly brackets {{}} to display string values in the HTML. Hence your HTML will look like this:

    <mat-menu #menu="matMenu">
        <button mat-menu-item (click)="categoryFilter('Make-up')"> {{ categoryName }} </button>

    I advise you to read Angular's Guide as you proceed further.

    Angular's text interpolation: