I have a Wiki Style Renderer custom field named "My Custom Field" ID = 12345678
I would like to set as default value a small table (2 headers + 2 empty rows):
Is it possible? In case behaviour is not optional I am open for more ideas. I will appreciate in case someone has the full code to the solution.
Thank you
If you click the "Text" menu under that Wiki-Style field, you will see a text representation of the table; something like that:
|| Heading 1 || Heading 2 ||
|| || ||
|| || ||
Copy that value and just set it in the behaviour. You can use that script for the following operation:
def theTableValue = "..." // Table value from above
def theField = getFieldById("customfield_<your wiki field's id>") // i.e customfield_10000
theField.formValue = theTableValue