
Prelude dhall Error: Connection establishment took too long

Today my dhall project has started crashing on Prelude dependencies, so the main error is:

Error: Connection establishment took too long.

I use this deps:

let List/map = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/map

let Map/values = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/Map/values

let Text/concatSep = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/Text/concatSep 

and when I tried to generate a yaml file: dhall-to-yaml , this message appears:

Error: Connection establishment took too long

URL: https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/List/map

any help ??


  • The issue was that I had to temporarily disable IPv6 on dhall-lang.org. I later re-enabled IPv6, which fixed this problem. For more details, see: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang/issues/1268