I'm migrating a package from a much older version of commander (v2.20.3)
program.command(`install [pkg]`)
.option(`-S, --save`, `Save to dependencies`)
.option(`-D, --save-dev`, `Save to devDependencies`)
.option(`--production`, `Will not install modules listed in devDependencies`)
.option(`--test`, `Exit with code 1 if package limits like maxPackagesNumber or maxSizeBites exceeded`);
I'd like for the default (when calling the CLI with no arguments at all) to continue being the display of the help and no erring out, but currently it errs with:
.../npm-reflect/node_modules/.pnpm/commander@8.3.0/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:142 const [, name, args] = nameAndArgs.match(/([^ ]+) (.)/);
I was able to get the mostly desired behavior by adding:
program.command('help', {isDefault: true})
.action(() => {
.command(`install [pkg]`)
// ...
...but this seems to be polluting things in the help by listing a new "help" command. How can I avoid the parser complaining when no arguments are present yet without adding a new command?
The default behaviour in latest Commander is to display the help if you have subcommands and do not specify a subcommand. Which sounds like what you want! Not sure how you are getting an error, you might want to open a Commander issue for help.
In general, if you want some custom behaviour for no arguments then it may be simple and easy to check yourself before calling parse()
. e.g.
if (process.argv.length < 3)
program.help(); // exits