
How to swap 2 section with vuedraggable

Hi i'm able to swap or order within a section very easily

But i'm failing to swap between 2 sections i,e from leftSection to rightSection as shown in image

enter image description here

Here is full code

within leftSection i'm doing like this

      leftSection: [
        { Name: "L - A", order: 1 },
        { Name: "L - B", order: 2 },
        { Name: "L - C", order: 3 },

          @start="drag = true"
          @end="drag = false"
          <div v-for="section in leftSection" :key="section.Name" class="card">
            {{ section.Name }}

in similar way i'm doing for within rightSection but don't know how to swap between 2 sections.

please help me thanks in advance..!!!


  • use a single object and dynamically output it to a component It might look something like this:

        <div class="section-wrapper">
          <draggable v-model="sections" group="sections">
             v-for="(item, index) of sections"
                group="{name: 'fields-' + index}"
                  v-for="(section, index) in item.fields"
                  {{ section.Name }}
    <div class="display-section">
      <div v-for="left in sections[0].fields" :key="left.Name">
        {{ left.Name }}
      <hr />
      <div v-for="right in sections[1].fields" :key="right.Name">
        {{ right.Name }}
          sections: [
          fields: [
            { Name: "L - A", order: 1 },
            { Name: "L - B", order: 2 },
            { Name: "L - C", order: 3 },
          order: 1,
          fields: [
            { Name: "R - A", order: 1 },
            { Name: "R - B", order: 2 },
          order: 2,

    Code template: sandbox link

    However, one point should be taken into account. Since both columns are wrapped in a common draggable, elements can be moved between columns.